I could whack it with a giant floppy disk

The fan in Doug’s computer is dying and it sounds like a hive of giant space bees have taken over the basement. Can I go whack it with a rolled up newspaper? Oh, wait. I read the news, comics and ads online. Civilization is doomed.

evil marketing techniques

Amy went bananas when she saw this in the grocery store. As I already mentioned today, I’m the meanest mother in the world, so I didn’t buy them. I do have some cartoon character stickers in the basement that I’ll happily stick on every canned good in our kitchen.

“news” thoughts

I guess the police there weren’t tweens during the KISS era of fame. Fire spewing and blood spitting were so common at my school that the teachers just rolled their eyes. You just smack the bridge of your nose with the base of your palm and . . . I wonder how many of those […]

murders and ice cream

Since Doug works downstairs and I am only downstairs to empty and refill the washer and dryer, Doug and I communicate with instant messenger. Throughout the day, he sends me links to articles he finds interesting. He usually includes a one sentence commentary on the article. Shhh, don’t tell Doug, but I don’t always click […]

words can hurt

Bloggers and mainstream media are gnashing their teeth in frustration over the recent horrible murder of two young people. While everyone screams for the justice that won’t be found, nearly every day, the mother of one of the victims parks her car in front of the house where her daughter was abused and killed. She […]


The older children spend one night a week with their grandparents. Not all on the same night though. That would be overwhelming to the grandparents and reduce the special time the children spend being indulged and pampered. It’s something the children look forward to and I know they are spoiled in the best possible way […]

my two cents on Anna Nicole

Bury that poor woman next to her son already! Anyone who wants anything else doesn’t care enough about Anna to be relevant. What a bunch of hateful ghouls.

Jack and Jon

Are you a Daily Show fan? Are you a Jack’s Big Music Show fan? This Friday, Jon Stewart is going to be on the ‘Groundhog Day‘ episode of Jack’s Big Music Show. Watch it and check out the hat Jon’s wearing.