movie thoughts

Chicka Nuts didn’t like Little Miss Sunshine. I thought it was wonderful. On the other hand, everyone in the world except me loved Adaptation and Lost in Translation. The popular Cold Mountain was the most depressing thing I have ever seen on screen. I love Wes Anderson movies EXCEPT for The Life Aquatic. With the […]

time travel

How do I put this delicately? Doug has an, umm, “eclectic” taste in movies that exposes me to certain less-than-B movies that I otherwise would have avoided. Since I am a movie fan and not a movie critic, I usually enjoy the variety that he brings (still can’t do slashers or children in peril movies). […]

movie thoughts

Last night, Doug and I used a Blockbuster gift card from Christmas to rent two movies that we could grab quickly in order to minimize the amount of damage Evan inflicted upon the store displays. The first movie was “Flight of the Phoenix“. It wasn’t terrible, but I would rather watch the original version than […]


“Anakin is more powerful than Obi-Wan but Obi-Wan is more powerful than Darth Vader. Anakin and Darth Vader are different personalities, not different people.” The explanation for this statement goes on and on with references to specific movie scenes. I can’t quote any of the rest because my brain turns off and I nod while […]

time waster

I was getting things done around the house until Joel posted a link to this movie quiz. Now, I can’t walk away until I figure them all out. (I have 14 so far. Done. Life can resume now.)

new movies

All of the children (well, not Evan) are looking forward to a movie that is being released between now and Christmas, but they all want different movies. They will all get sent to the movies so that I can compare, count, wrap and practice stuffing before the big day, but which movie should it be? […]


I love his movies. Characters with very real flaws that didn’t make them unlikeable. Tangled plots and subplots without easy fixes or conclusions, like life. I still haven’t seen A Prairie Home Companion yet though.