celebrity TMI

I really enjoyed movies and music more when celebrities kept their personal lives private. Please stop giving the stalkarazzi your schedule and pay for GOOD pr firms, body guards and drivers. If you can’t behave in public, stay home. You are taking all the fun out of spending a week’s pay to take the family […]

Memphis in May vs. Sundown in the City

I grew up going to Memphis in May concerts. I went to the free ones on the riverfront and I went to the ticketed events on Mud Island. I drove myself or rode with friends, but I was unsupervised and underage. The events on the river were casual and the police presence was very low […]

music for moms

My mother is in her 60s, but she has the same love for music that she has always had. Unfortunately, she never buys music for herself. Most of the time, I buy her CDs that are safe and easy bets. Crooners from the 60s & 70s always get played over and over. Bubble-gum boy bands […]

If, Then

If your music player “randomly” gives you 6 Pink Floyd songs* in a row, then you may need more variety in your media library. If the college students on Jeopardy don’t know the lyrics to Beatles songs, then music history departments everywhere should be ashamed. * In my defense, one of them was a country […]

You don’t like Danny Elfman?!?

Then, how about this? Be sure to imagine two or three politicians singing along and silly dancing. [audio:http://domesticpsychology.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/monty-python-always-look-on-the-bright-side-of-life.mp3]

busy helping the Easter Bunny

The amount of work required to put together Easter for five children ranging from toddler to teen is very time consuming (and mentally challenging). I can’t fall back on photographs for blog filler, so maybe some music to pass the time? [audio:http://domesticpsychology.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/the-simpsons-the-simpsons-end-credits-theme-its-a-mad-mad-mad-mad-world-homage.mp3]



musical memory and an IOU

One of the first albums I bought with my own money was Foreigner 4. A few days after I bought it, one of my father’s business friends borrowed it to make a tape. That’s the old people version of rippin’ your friend’s new CD only without the risk of arrest and monster fines. Anyway, after […]

Tommy says:

“Mom, have you ever heard of Led Zeppelin?” “Umm, yes.” “Have you heard that Kashmir song?” “Yes. I like it very much.” “Me too. I need it on my iPod.” “I think it’s supposed to be played in the car when you’re parked.” “What?” “Never mind.” “Hey, Mom?” “Yes?” “My favorite song in the whole […]